
来源: 【要学历,上河南成教网】
  1. A. result B. pulse C. suppose D. praise ( )
  2.A.rather B.theory C.truth D.breath ( )www.ExamW.CoM
  3.A.diamond B.object C.observe D.seldom ( )
  4.A.foolish B.smooth C.prove D.foot ( )
  5. A. concluded B.limited C. stupid D. encouraged( )
  6. technique m medicine and surgery we have,_ patients we can save. ( )
  A. The good; the man B. The better; the much
  C. The better; the more D. The best; the more
  7. _ nearly six years since I started to study English. ( )
  A. It was B. There are
  C. It is D. There have been
  8. -Mary cares little about money. ( )外语学习网
  A. So do I B.I am, too C. Not do I D. Neither do I
  9. Hardly _ down than the bell rang. ( )
  A. had I sat B. did I sat C. I had sat D. I did sit
  10. --Do you think I can use your dictionary? ( )
  A. Yes, you may use B. Yes, you can
  C. Yes, help yourself D. Certainly, go on
  ll.If only she _ her necklace that night. ( )
  .A. didn't lose B. wouldn't lose C. hadn't lost D. hasn't lost
  12. His suggestion o see the exhibition interested every one of us. ( )
  A. that we go B. which we should go中 华 考 试 网
  C. that we would go D. when we go
  13. Your mother must be at home, _ she? ( )
  A.mustn't ' B.doesn't C.isn't D.needn't
  14. I want to go to the doctor, but you _ _ with me. ( )
  A. need not to go B. do not need go
  C. need not go D. need go not
  15. I haven't got _ money now. Can you please save the book for me till tomorrow?  ( )
  A. any B. some C.little D. a little
  16. _ makes mistakes must correct them. ( )
  A. Who B. No matter C. Whoever D. Ever who.
  17. -Did you write to Lily recently?
  -No, butI _ her at a meeting this weekend. ( )
  A. am seeing B. will have seen C. saw D. had seen
  18. The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. ( )
  A.what B.which . C.that D.it
  19. -1 usually go there by train.
  -Why not _ by boat for a change? ( )
  A. to try going B. trying to go
  C. to try and go D. try going
  20._ this street and you_ _ there. ( )
  C. Follow; will get D. Follow; get
  At a country house in India, there once lived a young elephant which was a pet to the people.It used to come into the dining-room after dinner and asked 21 food from the visitors. One day, when a large party of visitors were 22 at the table, the elephant came round and put its trunk 23 the visitors, begging for fruit or bread. One gentleman, 24 , instead of putting any food into the trunk, took his fork and 25 the little_lephant away with a stab(戳). The animalleft him quietly and went t0 26 visitors, one after another, who treated it 27 , because they thought a gentleman should not treat an animal in such a rude way.
  When it had finished its round of the table, it went out into the garden, 28 a large branch off a tree, returned with it to the room again. The animal went 29 to the gentleman who had stabbed its trunk with a fork and shook the 30 0ver his head.In a moment he was covered with ants(蚂蚁) which came down from the branch. The ants 31 his hair, some running down his neck. Hard 32 he tried, he couldn't get rid of the ants. All the other visitors 33 when they saw the gentleman in such a difficult situation 34 they thought since he had been rude to the animal he should be _ 35 in this way.
  21.A.about B.of C.on D.for ( )
  22.A.sitting B.smiling C.looking D.arriving ( )
  23.A.behind B.beside C.by D.between ( )
  24.A.however B.thus C.therefore D.yet ( )
  25.A.brought B.took C.pulled D.sent ( )
  26.A.other B.another C.some D.ariy ( )
  27.A.seriously B.badly C.kindly D.easily ( )
  28.A:fetched B.cut C.struck D.broke ( )
  29.A.by B.straight C.away D.out ( )
  30.A.fork B.food C.branch D.tree ( )
  31.A.worried B.played C.moved D.filled ( )
  32.A.as B.while C.however D.since ( )
  33.A.cried B.shouted C.agreed D.laughed ( )
  34.A.until B.although C.because D.unless ( )
  35. A. kicked B. punished C. beaten D. rejected ( )
  Have you ever felt your mind falling into disorder after a sleepless night? You couldn't come up with an original thought no matter how hard you tried.
  You were probably right if you thought that was caused by a lack of sleep. Dr. Home,a sleep researcher in England, studied 24 college students. One group got their normal eight hours of sleep. The other group didn't get the smallest amount of sleep-they stayed awake all night. The next day, Dr, Home tested the students. He asked them question that required creative and original thinking. One of the questions was "How many uses can a cardboard box be put to?"
  The result? The wide-awake students did well on the test. The tired students did poorly.
  Research has already shown that tired people can do OK on tests of habitual thinking,like simple addition But Dr. Home tested creative thinking only.
  As part of his study, he offered an amount of money as reward to the sleepy students if they did well. But even this encouragement was not enough to help the students conquer their tiredness. They did poorly. Dr. Home believes that the part of the brain where thinking takes place may becomes very tired during waking hours. Sleep may help to repair the brain. "Without any sleep," he emphasizes(强调), "even if you pay closer attention, you can't do better. "
  This study gives people something to think about, especially like hospital workers who must stay awake all night and then make quick decisions.
  36.It can be known from the text that lack of sleep may _. ( )
  A. be a cause of some serious diseases
  B. cause one to lose his ability to calculate
  C. do harm to one's power of usual thinking
  D. weaken one's power of creative thinking
  37. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? ( )
  A. Hospital workers can think well although they often stay awake all night.
  B. People can not work well without good sleep.
  C. Dr. Home's tests are on habitual thinking.
  D. Sleep has nothing to do with creativity.
  38. The underlined word "conquer" can be replaced by _ ( )
  A. take off B. break out C. give off D. get over
  39. Why couldn't the reward offered in the study attract the sleepy students? ( )
  A. Because they were too tired and too sleepy.
  B. Because they did not care for money at all.
  C. Because they thought sleep might help to repair the brain.
  D. Because they waited for bigger rewards.






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推荐专业: 会计 电子商务 市场营销 建筑工程管理 电子信息工程 广告设计 旅游管理 酒店管理



推荐专业: 会计 电子商务 市场营销 建筑工程管理 电子信息工程 广告设计 旅游管理 酒店管理
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