
来源:河南成教网整理 【要学历,上河南成教网】
I. Vocabulary and Structure
1. — Hello! May I talk to the manager about the price?
— A .
A. Sorry, he is out at the moment B. No, you can’t
C. Sorry, you can’t D. I don’t know
2. —I’m terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty.
A. Never mind B. Don’t mention it
C. That’s right D. Sorry
3. ― Do you mind if I open the window?
―___B___ I feel a bit cold.
A. Of course not. B. I’d rather you didn’t.
C. Go ahead. D. Why not?
4. — Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Smith’s office?
— D .
A. You can’t ask me
B. Good question
C. Please don’t say so
D. Sorry I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there
5. — Good morning, sir. May I help you?
— C .
A. No, I don’t buy anything B. No, I don’t need your help
C. Yes, I need some salt D. Oh, no. That’s Ok
6. Since he left the university, he __A___ in an accounting company.
A. has been working B. had worked
C. had been working D. was working
7. The weather in China is different from __C__.
A. America B. in America C. that in America D. one in America
8. It was not until dawn ___B__ their way out of the forest.
A. when they found B. that they found
C. did they find D. that they didn’t find
9. __A__ he says or does won’t make me change my mind at all.
A. Whatever B However C. Which D. How
10. We all believe that it’d be hard for him to ___C__ extra responsibilities now.
A. take apart B. take up C. take on D. take back
11. Some films have a misleading _____ A on children.
A. effect B. affect C. fault D. deficiency
12. Global warming is likely to _____ C a series of unpleasant effects.
A. double B. fasten C. trigger D. alleviate
13. That young man still denies _______C the fire behind the store.
A. start B. to start C. having started D. to have started
14. ______ C receiving financial support from family, community or the government is allowed, it is never admired.
A. As B. Once C. Although D. Lest
15. I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than _______A a room with someone else.
A. share B. to share C. sharing D. to have shared





推荐专业: 会计 电子商务 市场营销 建筑工程管理 电子信息工程 广告设计 旅游管理 酒店管理



推荐专业: 会计 电子商务 市场营销 建筑工程管理 电子信息工程 广告设计 旅游管理 酒店管理



推荐专业: 会计 电子商务 市场营销 建筑工程管理 电子信息工程 广告设计 旅游管理 酒店管理
学校名称 报名资讯
河南中医药大学 网上报名
河南科技大学 网上报名
河南农业大学 网上报名
河南理工大学 网上报名
洛阳理工学院 网上报名
河南财经政法大学 网上报名
河南城建学院 网上报名
开封大学 网上报名
信阳师范学院 网上报名
安阳师范学院 网上报名