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Reading Comprehension
  Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  Passage 1
  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage
  A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries is the way in which names are used. Americans have little concern for "rank", especially socially. Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way because of their age or social rank; it makes them feel uncomfortable. Many Americans even find the terms "Mr.", "Mrs" or "Miss" too formal. People of all ages may prefer to be called by their first names. "Don't call me Mrs Smith. Just call me Sally." Using only first names usually indicates friendliness and acceptance. However, if you do not feel comfortable using only first names, it is quite acceptable to be more formal. Just smile and say that after a while you will use first names but you are accustomed to being more when you first meet someone.
  Very often, introductions are made using both first and last names: " Mary Smith, this is John Jones." In this situation you are free to decide whether to call the lady "Mary" or "Miss Smith". Sometimes both of you will begin a conversation using last names, and after a while one or both of you may begin using first names instead. You have a choice: if you don't want to use first names so quickly, no one will think it impolite if you continue according to you own custom.
  1. In the first paragraph the author tells us that
  A. Americans do not talk about rank, especially socially
  B. Americans feel uncomfortable when talking about rank
  C. Americans tae interests in social customs
  D. Americans don't care much about social rank
  2. According to the passage, most Americans feel when they are treated especially respectfully owing to their age or social rank.
  A. sick                        
  B. sorry                      
  C. uneasy                   
  D. embarrassed
  3. Which of the following statements in NOT true?
  A. The way names are used in America is different from those of other countries.
  B. Many Americans are used to being called by their first names.
  C. It shows friendliness and kindness to use only first names.
  D. When you talk to people in the United States, you have to use their first names.
  4. If an American lady say "Don't call me Mrs Smith, just call me Sally." that shows
  A. she is not a married woman
  B. she prefers to be called "Sally"
  C. she is not Mrs Smith
  D. she likes to be more formal
  5. The passage you've just read would most likely be found in a
  A. guide-book for tourists
  B. book about American history
  C. notice
  D. short story
  Passage 2
  Questions 6-10 are based the following passage
  Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. "Buy Super Clean Toothpaste." "Drink Good'n Wet Root Beer." "Fill up with Pacific Gas." Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of "You Need It! Buy It Now!"
  The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you've traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed-new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.
  The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you've sat with you legs crossed, with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at the right time. There are just no more ways to sit.
  6. According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?
  A. Buses on the road.
  B. Films on television.
  C. Advertisements on the board.
  D. Gas stations.
  7. What is the purpose of this passage?
  A. To give the writer's opinion about long bus trips.
  B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip.
  C. To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.
  D. To describe the billboards along the road.
  8. The writer of this passage would probably favor
  A. bus drivers who weren't reckless
  B. driving alone
  C. a television set on the bus
  D. no billboards along the road
  9. The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because
  A. the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun
  B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between
  C. the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses
  D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting
  10. The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are
  A. exciting
  B. comfortable
  C. tiring
  D. boring
  Passage 3
  Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage
  No poem should ever be discussed or "analyzed", until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.
  All discussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling "interpretation" of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once. Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice, on records or on film, is obviously a special reward. But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting it.
  I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than "analyzing" it, if there isn't time for both. I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is "a criticism of life", "a heightening of life, enjoyment with others". It is "an approach to the truth of feeling", and it "can save your life" It also deserves a place in the teaching of languages and literature more central than it presently occupies.
  I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry. Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else. But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature, about its sound as well as its sense, and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.
  11. According to the passage, to have a better understanding of a poem, the best way is
  A. to discuss it with others
  B. to analyze it by oneself
  C. to hear it read out
  D. to practice reading it aloud
  12. The recitation of a poetry by the teacher or a student in the classroom
  A. is the best way to understand it
  B. easily arouses some discussion among the students
  C. helps the teachers to analyse it
  D. can not take the place of the poet reading it analyse
  13. According to the author, one of the purposes of teaching English is getting students
  A. to criticize life
  B. to like poetry
  C. to enjoy life
  D. to teach poetry
  14. What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply?
  A. The teaching of poetry should have been much more stressed
  B. The teaching of poetry is more important than the teaching of any other subject.
  C. One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry.
  D. Poetry is the foundation of all languages and literature courses.
  15. The phrase "make room" in the last paragraph can be best replaced by
  A. "build a booth"
  B. "provide equipment"
  C. "leave a certain amount of time"
  D. "set aside enough space"
  Part Ⅱ  Vocabulary and Structure
  Directions: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  1. You might have     the accident if you had had your headlights on.
  A. missed
  B. avoided
  C. escaped
  D. dismissed
  2. The streets were deserted     the policeman on duty.
  A. except
  B. except for
  C. but
  D. besides
  3. It said that he       murder.
  A. committed
  B. conducted
  C. executed
  D. emitted
  4. If the sun       in the west, I would follow you.
  A. were to rise
  B. was to rise
  C. had risen
  D. would rise
  5. He let me use his computer and       return I treated him to dinner.
  A. for
  B. as
  C. in
  D. of
  6. It was not until she has arrived home remembered her appointment with the doctor.
  A. when she
  B. that she
  C. and she
  D. she
  7. We didn't know his telephone number; otherwise we       him.
  A. had telephone
  B. would telephone
  C. must have telephoned
  D. would have telephoned
  8. Don't risk       the chance which so many people dream of.
  A. losing
  B. to lose
  C. lost
  D. your life to lose
  9. I see no __________ in leaving my company since I am doing quite well there.
  A. reason
  B. excuse
  C. point
  D. chance
  10.       to speak when the audience interrupted him.
  A. Hardly had he begun
  B. No sooner had he begun
  C. Not until he began
  D. Scarcely did he begin
  11. He finished reading and went on       a composition.
  A. write
  B. to write
  C. writing
  D. being written
  12.       for your help, we'd never have been able to get over the difficulties.
  A. Had it not
  B. If it were not
  C. had it not been
  D. If we had not been
  13. Now the committee       seven members.
  A. consist of
  B. is consisting of
  C. is consisted of
  D. consists of
  14. There are no seats       for those who are late for the show.
  A. available
  B. enough
  C. supplied
  D. make
  15. The problem      at the meeting next week is of great importance.
  A. discussed
  B. to be discussed
  C. being discussed
  D. discussing
  16. The trip will be       till next week because of the bad weather.
  A. put out
  B. put off
  C. put on
  D. put up
  17. It is recommended that the project       until all the preparations have been made.
  A. not be started
  B. will not be started
  C. is not started
  D. is not to be started
  18. It's time     about the traffic problem downtown.
  A. something was done
  B. anything will be done
  C. everything is done
  D. nothing to be done
  19. John is determined to carry out the very important experiment       happens, he will not change his plan.
  A. That
  B. Whatever
  C. What
  D. Wherever
  20.      at the station, John found the train had just left.
  A. On reaching
  B. On arrival
  C. At reaching
  D. At arrival
  21. Soon he got       his difficulties and succeeded.
  A. across
  B. away
  C. over
  D. through
  22.      he had forgot to take his notebook.
  A. That occurred to him
  B. To him that occurred
  C. He occurred that
  D. It occurred to him that
  23. They discussed the problem three or four times and finally came to     
  A. end
  B. conclusion
  C. result
  D. judgment
  24.It     around nine o'clock when I drove back home because it was already dark.
  A. had to be
  B. was to be
  C. must have been
  D. must be
  25. I'd rather that you       tomorrow than today.
  A. came
  B. will come
  C. had come
  D. is coming
  26. I wish I       to study English years ago.
  A. had started
  B. started
  C. could start
  D. would start
  27. I doubt     .
  A. whether he can come
  B. if he can come or not
  C. while he will be here
  D. that he will come
  28. The children were surprised when the teacher had them       their books unexpectedly.
  A. closed
  B. to close
  C. closing
  D. close
  29. It is not use     .
  A. to buy books and not to read them
  B. buying books and not to read them
  C. buying books and not reading them
  D. to buy books and not reading them
  30. This is the place       the foreign guests are going to visit
  A. where
  B. when
  C. how
  D. which
  Part IV Cloze (20%)
  Directions: Each blank in the following passage is provided with four choices reach each of the passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  The role of women in Britain has changed a lot in this century,   56   in the last twenty years. The main change has been   57   giving women greater equality with men.   58   to the beginning of this century, women seem to have had   59   rights. They could not vote and were kept at home.   60   , as far as we know, most women were happy   61   this situation. Today, women in Britain certainly   62   more rights than they used to. They were   63   the vote in 1919. In 1970 a law was passed to give them an equal   64   of wealth in the case of divorce,   65   the Equal Pay Act gave them the right   66    equal pay with men for work of equal value in the same year.
  Yet   67   these changes, there are still great difference in status between men and women. Many employers seem to   68   the Equal Pay Act, and the average working women is   69
  to earn only about half   70   a man earns for the same job.   71   a survey, at present, only one-third of the country's workers are   72   women. This small percentage is partly   73   a shortage of nurseries. If there were   74   nurseries, twice as many women   75   go out to work.
  56. A. certainly              B. especially           C. apparently         D. practically
  57. A. towards                     B. against                     C. upon                 D. through
  58. A. By                      B. On                    C. Over                 D. Up
  59. A. few                    B. less                   C. some                D. many
  60. A. Besides               B. Therefore          C. However           D. Then
  61. A. at                       B. to                            C. with                  D. for
  62. A. lack                    B. enjoy                 C. occupy             D. take
  63. A. given                  B. deprived           C. denied               D. approved
  64. A. rate                    B. value                 C. number             D. share
  65. A. but                            B. and                   C. because             D. although
  66. A. of                       B. with                  C. on                    D. for
  67. A. because of          B. instead of          C. in spite of          D. as a result of
  68. A. support               B. favour               C. ignore               D. doubt
  69. A. likely                  B. willing        C. ready                D. about
  70. A. than                    B. that                   C. which               D. what
  71. A. Apart form          B. According to      C. Because of        D. In addition to
  72. A. by mistake          B. by accident        C. in turn               D. in fact
  73. A. involved in          B. stemmed from   C. related to           D. resulted in
  74. A. efficient                     B. advanced           C. delicate             D. enough
  75. A. might well           B. had better          C. are going to              D. are about to
  Part V Translation (20%)
  1) Directions: In this part, there are five items which you should translate into Chinese, each consisting of one or two sentences. These sentences are all taken from the Reading Passages you have read in Part I of the Test Paper. You should refer back to the passages so as to identify the meaning of these sentences in the context. (10%)
  76. In his eagerness to make money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.
  77. Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it.
  78. But thee are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can handle.
  79. A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide a rail link only.
  80. With a link over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England and be able to eat them in France while they were still warm!
  2) Translate the following sentences into English (10%)
  Part IV Translation (10%)
  Section A (5%)
  Directions: In this part, there are five items, each consisting of one or two sentences for you to translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the READING PASSAGES you have learned in BOOK THREE. Please write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
  1. The research “ points to the enormous human potential available in each society and the likelihood that only a very small amount of this human potential is fully developed。”
  2. In America, plans by the government to allow government agencies and intelligence service easy access to telephone conversations and electronic mail have caused considerable concern.
  3. The problem is not easily solved because it is in the nature of science to question, and it is in the nature of human beings not to want to question the things they believe in.
  4. Some people have a better sense of humor than others just as some people have more musical talent, mathematical talent etc. than others.
  5. These similarities make the bridge between societies possible, and the American’s characteristic openness to different styles of relationships makes it possible for him to find new friends abroad with whom he feels at home.
  Section B (5%)
  Directions: In this part, there are five items, each consisting of one or two sentences for you to translate into English. These sentences are all related to the sentence patterns or structures you have learned in BOOK THREE. Please write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
  1. 政府的计划遭到了民权组织的强烈反对。
  2. 一个国家未来的繁荣在一定程度上取决于它的人民的教育质量。
  3. 不同寻常的经历产生了他最近的这部小说。
  4. 这些产品符合国际标准。
  5. 从金钱的角度考虑,这项工作没有多少利润。但我从中获得了宝贵的经验。
  Part V. Writing (10%)
  Directions: For this part, you are asked to write a composition on the topic The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got Injured). You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:
  Your developing must be logical and convincing and please remember to write neatly.
  Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)
  1—4 C A B D 5—8: B D A D 9—12 A C C A 13—15 D B C
  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20%)
  1—5 B B A B C 6—10 C D D A A 11—15 C B D C B
  16—20 A C C C B 21—25 A C D A C 26—30 B D B B A
  31—35 B C B A B 36—40 B C A C B
  Part IV Translation (10%)
  Section A (5%)
  2. 在美国,政府允许政府部门和情报机构方便地监听电话和电子邮件的计划引起了相当的不安。
  4. 有些人比别人更有幽默感,就好像有些人更具有音乐、数学等才能一样。
  5. 这些共同之处使得社会与社会之间的沟通成为可能,而美国人能够接受不同风格的友情,这一特点使他们能够在国外找到新朋友,并与之自在相处。
  Section B (5%)
  1. The government’s plans have run into strong opposition from civil rights groups.
  2. A country’s future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people.
  3. The extraordinary experience give birth to his latest novel.
  4. These products measure up to the national standards.
  5. The work is not very profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.
  Part V. Writing (10%)


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